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Experience the deeply nourishing power of Feel Younger's Organic Hair Oil, a natural elixir crafted for all hair types. Its feather-light, non-greasy formula infuses your hair and scalp with revitalizing care, leaving it feeling sumptuously soft and lustrous.

Hair Oil with 9 Nutrient Rich Oils

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Experience the deeply nourishing power of Feel Younger's Organic Hair Oil, a natural elixir crafted for all hair types. Its feather-light, non-greasy formula infuses your hair and scalp with revitalizing care, leaving it feeling sumptuously soft and lustrous.

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Would you love your hair and scalp to…

  • Be Nourished with the Vitamins & Minerals Needed for Healthy Growth
  • Be Stronger, Softer and Smoother
  • Stay Moisturized Throughout the Day, Minimizing Frizziness
  • Be Healthier Looking, Shinier in Appearance & Confidence Inspiring
  • Be Easier to Comb and Style
  • Remain Protected from Harsh Weather and Environments
  • Be Cleaner and Stay Smelling Fresh

…if so, you’ll want to give our Hair Oil, with 9 Nutrient Rich Oils, a try!

Why is it Important to Oil Your Hair & Scalp?

Your hair is one of the first things that other people notice when they meet you or look at your pictures online, so having unhealthy hair will directly affect your confidence.

Did you know that having healthy hair can also be a good overall indicator of your general health? When your hair is vibrant and healthy, it’s a good sign that you have enough nutrients in your body for the many processes that happen within you to work optimally.

When you have healthy hair that is shiny, smooth, has good elasticity, hardly sheds and detangles easily - you will be more confident, which will help you to live a more fulfilling life.

If you fail to look after your hair and scalp properly, you may experience split ends, frizziness, dryness, dandruff, itchiness and a distinct objection to looking in any mirror you see!

You can also develop a condition called hygral fatigue - damage to your hair follicles which occurs when excess moisture enters the lower layers in the follicle beneath the cuticle (the top layer).

When you wet your hair, the follicles expand. When you dry your hair, the follicles contract and close back up.

If you wet your hair before it’s totally dry it will cause this process to repeat, which puts strain on the hair follicle - this is called hygral fatigue.

This straining on the hair follicles will reduce the overall health, strength and elasticity of your hair.

Symptoms of hygral fatigue are:

  • Excess breakage & brittle hair
  • Dull hair
  • Frizzy hair
  • Easily tangled hair (& excessively tangling)
  • Can cause dryness

Some of the main factors that can cause hygral fatigue are:

  • Genetics based on how porous the hair follicle is (how easily water gets through)

  • Overwashing with shampoos and conditioners which strip your scalp of natural protective oils that help to stop moisture getting into the follicles

  • Excessive or frequent use of deep conditioners and hair masks also strips protective oils

  • Highly alkaline hair products can also strip protective oils from your scalp, cause hair breakages and damage to hair follicle cuticles..

Hygral fatigue can lead to premature hair loss, which is definitely not a way to feel younger!

How can you tell if your Hair & Scalp are healthy, or if they need some Support?

Healthy hair should be:

  • Smooth and shiny in appearance
  • Have good elasticity
  • Doesn’t shed many strands
  • Has minimum breakages
  • Easily detangles
  • Doesn’t frizz much in humid conditions

A healthy scalp should be:

  • Flake free
  • Itch and irritation free
  • Clear of redness or signs of infection
  • No signs of disruption to the skin of the scalp

The Top 10 ways to Improve the Health of your Hair and Scalp

Here’s the top 10 things you can do to improve the health and overall looks of your hair and scalp:

  1. Eat an organic, nutrient dense diet. Your hair needs essential vitamins and minerals (particularly B vitamins) to enable proper growth [1]

  2. Don’t overwash your hair. Every 2-3 days will suffice [2].

  3. Don’t use overly alkaline shampoos and conditioners. Products with a pH value of 5.5 (the same as your scalp) can help to prevent damage to hair cuticles, lessen the chance of breakages and stripping away natural oils on the scalp [3].

  4. Don’t deep condition or use hair masks too often. If your hair or scalp are already damaged, we’d recommend deep conditioning and using hair masks once or twice a month at the most, to avoid any further damage. Be sure to follow the recommendations on your hair products bottles. Leaving products on for too long can cause hair shafts to expand too much and break off.

  5. Don’t wet your hair again until it’s completely dry. Doing so contributes to the development of hygral fatigue, which is irreversible.

  6. Take care brushing your hair. It’s best to brush your hair when it’s dry, to reduce the chances of breakages or pulling hair out of the follicles when they’re swollen and open.

  7. Take care when shampooing. Massage shampoo into your scalp gently to prevent damage to it. The same goes for your hair - when you shampoo with too much force, you risk damaging the outer layer of your hair.

  8. Don’t rub your hair with a towel. There’s a natural tendency to rub your hair when it’s wet - however, this is when your hair and scalp are in their most vulnerable state. Instead, gently pat it dry or wrap a towel around your hair and leave it to dry naturally.

  9. Stop excessively brushing and combing. There’s a common myth that 100 strokes with a brush a day is essential for hair health… however - this is not the case. Excessive brushing and combing can lead to further hair loss [4]

  10. Provide your hair and scalp with nutrients and oils it needs to prevent damage and remain healthy:

Argan Oil. Made from kernels from the fruit of the argan tree - argan oil contains antioxidants and fatty acids that can benefit your scalp.

Jojoba Oil. Jojoba is a plant native to the deserts of North America. The nut grown by the Jojoba plant is especially sought after for its healing properties.

Oil made from the nuts act as a humectant (to keep things moist), so it can help to reduce dandruff and keep your scalp hydrated and moisturized.

Waxy in nature, it can create a soothing layer on the surface of your scalp to help ease irritation. This layer of oil on your skin will also help to regulate sebum production in your hair follicles.

Jojoba oil also contains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. A study found that applying antioxidants to skin helped to improve the synthesis of collagen [5], which plays a crucial role in the health of your hair and scalp follicles.

Vitamin E Oil. Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is beneficial for scalp health [6] because it can support the overall health of your scalp by potentially preventing hair loss, balancing oil production, adding a desirable shine to your hair and improving circulation to the scalp.

Sweet Almond Oil. Almond oil has been used traditionally for centuries to help soothe skin and is full of vitamin E and vitamin A. It can help to strengthen and repair your hair, while making it feel softer to the touch.

Its vitamin E content can help to combat the stress your hair endures on an everyday basis from the environment, giving it that younger and healthier look.

Apricot Kernel Oil. Rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, this oil is emollient in nature (softening & smoothening) and can be easily absorbed into the scalp.

Avocado Oil. High in fatty acids and vitamins A and E - the topical application of this oil can also reap the benefits of the oils rich antioxidant content and can promote skin membrane health [7].

Pumpkin Seed Oil. Can help to stimulate new hair growth.

Grapeseed Oil. Helps to add strength to your hair, as well as providing moisture and shine.

Hempseed Oil. Contains fatty acids omega-3 & omega-6 which can help to hydrate the hair and scalp, as well as providing extra protection.

Introducing Feel Younger® Hair Oil with 9 Nutrient Rich Oils

By combining the ingredients listed above into an easy to apply hair oil - we’ve taken the stress out of researching and buying each of these ingredients separately, and then trying to mix them together into the “perfect concoction” you can use daily.

Here at Feel Younger®, we believe in providing top quality products at reasonable prices and use only the best ingredients we can get our hands on. Our hair oil HAS NOT been tested on animals and is all natural and vegan & vegetarian friendly.

Our 1 fl.oz bottle will cost you no more than $19, with discounts available for multiple bottle or subscription purchases.

How Do You Use Feel Younger® Hair Oil with 9 Nutrient Rich Oils?

Use the dropper to place a dime sized amount of hair oil on your palm.

Apply to the tips of your hair, or apply to all of your hair.

Wrap your hair with a hot towel for 30 minutes, then shampoo as normal.

Any Cautions?

Although extremely rare, the combination of ingredients found in this product may cause skin and scalp irritation or rashes.

This product contains tree nut oils and natural botanicals - if you are an allergy sufferer you should test a small amount of the hair oill on your skin and monitor the effects throughout the day before using it on a bigger area.


ALWAYS consult a healthcare professional before using any new products.

Scientific References

Antibiotic Free
Gluten Free
All Natural
Sugar Free
Vegan Friendly

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