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Mission statement

Feel Younger, Genetic Insights and The Rejuvenate Podcast were all Created to Achieve One Unique Mission:

To Expand the World's Consciousness, by Empowering People to Reach their True Potential…

Using Education and Science Based Tools that Combat Premature Aging by Optimizing Health, Energy and Wellbeing…

Our mission is to do everything we can to help people feel more...

  • Gratitude, Kindness, Love and Compassion…

  • Peace, Bliss, Empowerment, Joy and Passion…

  • Energy, Confidence, Curiosity, Clarity, Purpose and Fulfillment…

And feel less...

  • Frustration, Anger, Hate and Fear…

  • Guilt, Disgust, Shame, Fear and Futility…

  • Anxiety, Stress and Worry…

Why Are We Primarily Focused on Helping You FEEL Your Best?

Because we believe what every wise teacher throughout time has taught… that what ultimately matters is what's going on in your inner world:

What you think and, most importantly: how you feel. 

The outer world matters too, but we've all heard stories of people who appear to have everything, in the outside world

…success, wealth, people who love them, a beautiful environment, a meaningful and enjoyable career…

…who are still stressed, anxious, depressed, resentful, frustrated and sometimes even suicidal.

This proves to us that while your outside world certainly does matter, it's how you FEEL inside that is of PRIMARY importance.

With all that said, the thing we've found most spiritual teachers fail to focus enough on - that's crucial to how you feel - is the HEALTH of your body.

Of course, this is not a new idea, and many spiritual traditions do in fact have whole systems focused on this. Examples include the Taoist, Ayurvedic and Essene systems, to name just a few.

Modern Science Now Supports The Fact that a Healthy, Youthful Body is Imperative to How You Feel

Think about it…

You cannot be falling to pieces physically, yet still feel fantastic. It’s just not possible (at least not for sustained periods of time)...

After all, on a biochemical level, how you feel is purely dependent on the precise cocktail of Hormones, Neurochemicals and Peptides available to every cell in your body.

When I first started on a ‘spiritual’ path, after having a transformative experience as a teenager, I eventually realized my poor health was the number one thing keeping me in a low level of consciousness

I was frequently ill, in pain, depressed, and dependent on all kinds of drugs to suppress my feelings and just make it through the day. I was low on energy, and running on stress virtually all the time.

When your body is in this kind of state - specifically when you’re running on stress, taking drugs, not looking after yourself, and suppressing feelings of trauma and pain, you will:

  1. Be aging prematurely, and…

  2. Not be able to maintain positive qualities such as Joy, Gratitude and Bliss, for any significant length of time

It's just not going to happen.

And so we get to... Feeling Younger.

Because when we feel youthful and healthy, it's infinitely easier to:

  • Be kind to ourselves, and those around us…

  • Create a life we are happy with…

  • Contribute to others to make the world that little bit better…

  • Genuinely appreciate and enjoy the life we are blessed to have…

I feel blessed to have discovered this for myself, but I feel even more blessed to be able to share this with you…

If you can relate to any aspect of my journey, or Mission, and want to reach out to me personally, just contact our support and ask them to pass your message on to me… they will do so.

And to get more Support from me on your own Health Journey, please be sure to Subscribe so we can stay in touch, and I can keep you up to date on what we have that can help you to… Feel Younger!

Elwin Robinson
Founder of Feel Younger