If you’d like to know which Genetic Factors are influencing your Nutrient Needs, go tohttps://geneticinsights/nutrientsAnd use promo code “REJUVENATE” to tell Genetic Insights we sent you and get 20% OFF your first order.You can find Elwin’s recommended Health Supplements here: https://feelyounger.netAnd remember to use code “REJUVENATEME” to tell them we sent you and to get 20% OFF your first order.You can follow Elwin on Faceb...
Based on the pioneering work of Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen and Stephen M Johnson, the '5 Personality Patterns' as outlined by Steven Kessler in his book can help you understand yourself and others in a profound way, and help get to the root of your own behaviour, both the good, and the self sabotage that we all engage in, which has a massive impact on our health and wellbeing.In this episode Elwin and Krissy explore the idea...
In Psychology, they measure your Personality use a scale called the 'Big 5'. Do these personality traits or types have an impact on overall health? Are they something you can change? And what type are you? Find out in this weeks episode!If you’d like to know which Genetic Factors are influencing your Happiness, go tohttps://geneticinsights.co/happyYou can find Elwin’s recommended Feeling Good Supplements here: https://feelyounger...
In this episode Elwin and Krissy go through some of the less obvious lifestyle changes that make a profound difference to your health and wellbeing. These days, we all know we need to sleep better, exercise more, eat better etc, but what else should you be focusing on if you want to live longer and healthier? If you’d like to know which Genetic Factors are influencing your Health go tohttps://geneticinsights.co/limitlessAnd use p...
If you’d like to know which Genetic Factors are influencing your Nutrient Needs, go tohttps://geneticinsights/nutrientsAnd use promo code “REJUVENATE” to tell Genetic Insights we sent you and get 20% OFF your first order.You can find Elwin’s recommended Health Supplements here: https://feelyounger.netAnd remember to use code “REJUVENATEME” to tell them we sent you and to get 20% OFF your first order.You can follow Elwin on Faceb...