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Do Genetics impact your Health and Happiness + what can you change? | Episode 11

by Krissy Hawkes & Elwin Robinson

This episode of the Rejuvenate Podcast is Part 2 in our series about Genetics and their impact on Health and Wellbeing.

In this episode Elwin shares specific examples of people who profoundly changed their life as a result of something they learned about their Genetics.

You'll learn exactly how these Genetic Tests work, what you can learn from them, and what to do if the results are not 100% clear to you, or if some of the results seem to be contradictory.

References from this episode:

If you’d like to know which Genetic Factors are influencing your Health, go to

And use promo code “REJUVENATE” to tell Genetic Insights we sent you and  get 20% OFF your first order.

You can find Elwin’s recommended Anti Aging Supplements here:

And remember to use code “REJUVENATEME” to tell them we sent you and to get 20% OFF your first order.

You can follow Elwin on Twitter @therealelwin

And you can find Krissy on Twitter  @KrissyHawkes


This Podcast does not contain medical advice. I am NOT a doctor. The contents of this Podcast, such as videos, text, graphics, images and other material are intended for entertainment, informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. The contents of this Podcast are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 

Consult your physician for medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of something you have heard on a Podcast. Before taking any medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements or herbs, consult a physician for a thorough evaluation. A qualified physician should make a decision on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions.