4 Healthy Habits That You Should Start Getting Into in Your Late 30s

Your body inevitably goes through various changes as you grow older. Your 30s, in particular, will see you start to feel them the most. Your metabolism starts to slow down, and you may notice yourself taking a longer time to heal. Hormone production and muscle mass also naturally decreases with age. Furthermore, those in their 30s are now at higher risk of developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. All of this happens while you’re taking on more responsibilities at work and trying to raise a family.
How you take care of yourself in your late 30s can determine your health for the rest of your life. Here are a few habits that you should consider starting now if you want to continue living disease-free:
Bust stress with supplements
Health supplements are a great way to give your body the essential nutrients it needs that it may not be getting from your diet. They help maintain overall health and wellness while supporting specific health concerns at the same time, such as joint health, heart health, and immune system support. Furthermore, some supplements can help you manage certain conditions such as chronic stress or sleep problems.
Here at Feel Younger, we offer a wide variety of supplements that help with stress. Our Serenity Anti-Stress Support contains a proprietary blend of several key ingredients, including:
- Rhodiola extract comes from the root of the Rhodiola rosea plant and has been traditionally used for centuries in Russia and Scandinavia to cope with stress. It can help reduce feelings of fatigue while improving the mood and cognitive function.
- Lutein is a naturally occurring carotenoid that is known for being beneficial to vision and eye health. Research shows that lutein may also help decrease the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body.
- Ashwagandha is a highly revered herb that has been used for centuries in the ancient practice of Ayurvedic medicine. It possesses incredible restorative and revitalizing properties.
- Chamomile is known to have a calming effect when consumed. Studies show that the long-term ingestion of chamomile can help reduce anxiety.
Serenity Anti-Stress Support also counts hawthorn, bacopa, magnolia, valerian root, L-theanine, Mucuna pruriens (velvet bean), St. John’s wort, hops, and 5 HTP among its ingredients. It is one of our best performing supplements that help with stress, literally taking away the stress of buying these ingredients separately by condensing them into an easy-to-swallow capsule form.
Other supplements that help with stress in our catalog include 5 HTP 200mg Serotonin Support, which can help improve your mood while promoting more restful sleep, as well as our Saffron Pure Extract, which can help elevate your mood, boost your metabolism, and improve your energy levels.
Eat healthier
What you choose to put in your body doesn’t just dictate how you feel now. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight and reduces your risk of developing chronic diseases as you grow older.
In your late 30s, it’s time to start cutting back on foods that are high in sugar, fat, and unnecessary calories. A simple rule to follow for a healthier diet is to eat more plants! A diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits is typically higher in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will have you feeling and looking your best. It’s also a good idea to limit your intake of processed and sugary foods, if not eliminating them from your diet entirely.
You don’t even have to overthink it when you’re preparing your meals. All you have to do is make sure that there’s more stuff on your plate that came from natural sources and you should feel the benefits right away.
Visit your doctor
As the old saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”. Early testing and screening for certain diseases can help you make the lifestyle changes necessary now so that you don’t develop them as you grow older.
An annual physical exam can give you a lot of insight on your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and weight. You’ll also want to be screened for specific diseases, such as cancer or heart disease, especially if they run in your family.
Kick the bad habits
Being a chronic smoker or drinking too much alcohol doesn’t do you any favors. Smoking is the number-one preventable cause of death in the country, negatively affecting the health of your lungs, heart, bones, skin, teeth, and more. It has also been linked to early macular degeneration, and makes you look older than you actually are.
Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol is just as bad. It can increase your risk of developing liver disease, and has also been linked to elevated blood pressure and other health problems.
If you must drink, do so moderately. Wine can be good for you, but only in reasonable amounts. As for smoking, it’s best to go without.
Did you find these health tips useful? Definitely take a look through the rest of our health blog, we have plenty of resources that can help you improve your diet and your overall wellness!